Saturday, February 28, 2015
Day 18, Today!! The 28th of February 2015
Day 17
Day 16
Just look at the lil fellow!! Just look at the happiness on his face!! This is what happens when a random stranger walks across to you and hands over some balloons... He made my and for a long time to come..#kidsbringjoy #joyofgiving #day16
Day 15
Volunteered with the prasadam and theertham distribution at the nearby Ramalayam with both the kids today. Two hours well spent! Found the calmness and peace that I had been searching for the past few days.. And the kids loved helping around.. No camera to clicks pictures.. But they don't allow photography inside temples anyways... #joyofgiving #day15
Day 14
I've gifted someone somewhere my mobile today! Not exactly excited about the whole thing.. But yeah, whoever has found my phone must be pretty pleased!! #day14 #joyofgiving..
Day 13
Chittattha!! #joyofgiving #day13. I'm too exhausted to type in a decent post today. My lovely aunt here has received a little something from me today. Her smile says it all.
Day 12
This lil one here is twelve years younger to me.. I simple cant believe how time is flying and how shez all grown up!! Still remember carrying her, protecting her, fussing over her and pampering her.. Good news or bad.. Shez among the first ones whom I share it with!! I love u Lux.. U deserve this and much more..
#day12, #joyofgiving — with Keerthana Hariharan.
Day 11
And cause Athithi Devo Bhava.. The Athithi doesn't go empty handed! #day11, #joyofgiving Aanya and Aisam here have been gifted things that they love.. Happy them.. Happy us!!! — with Naheed Muqeetulla.
Day 10
#joyofgiving #day10
Day 9
So today, taking a leaf from my childhood, I gave E's ayyah.. (Lakshmi didi as they call her..) some cereals, fruits, vegetables and other staples.. It really feels good when you do something for others..with them least expecting it!!! I feel soo happy..
Childhood revisited.. #Day9 #joyofgiving#foundationisthekey #Vidyaranya
Day 8
His mom, Parvathi works and cooks in about 6 houses each day to fend for herself and her family.. And yet, they are among the happiest of people I know. They prove a thing everyday.. You don't really have to be rich to be generous..
On #day8 of #joyofgiving, I gave Ramu and his favourite snack from his favourite outlet Dhabeli from Bombay Chaat! He is all happy happy.. And I am definitely all the more happy happy
Day 7
In the meanwhile, Divya here today has been gifted a goody bag on #Day7, #joyofgiving.. Nothing much..but a token of our friendship which, I know, is going to go a step ahead in the near future! Here's to a great beginning Divya! Lets do remarkable things together!!
P.S. Thanks for the immense joy that you have brought me today Divya! The genuineness of your smile is exactly what I was looking for! — with Divya Mahaan.
Day 6
And coz everybody needs to celebrate an Indian win over Pak.. Coz everybody needs to celebrate the feeling of oneness'.. Coz everybody needs to celebrate INDIA... We went over to my aunt's apartment, where we gifted the watchman's kids (Shiva and Harsha) some Cake to celebrate the fabulous victory!!!
As I said earlier.. Everybody needs to celebrate today's win!! #joyofgiving #Day6 #proudIndian #bleedblue#IndPak
Day 5
So on #Day5, I chose to gift my dearest, dearest, dearest sis..Malvika, her favorite body lotion! Look at the joy on her face!! Priceless!!
#joyofgiving #Day5 — with Keerthana Hariharan, Satya Kumar, Karthik Hariharan, Suchana Kolla, Malvika Naidu, Raman Manav, Sai Akshar, S.Sai Prateek andSatvik Yadav.
Day 4
It took me a good ten minutes to get them to accept the fact that they had been gifted!
I asked them how they felt.. They told me that no body had done something like this for them before!! The two friends gave me the brightest smiles ever..thanked me and sat down to enjoy their ice creams..
A day that ended well !!! #Day4, #joyofgiving..
Day 3
I had seen this lady before.. Many times.. Sometimes in our building.. Sometimes outside.. Who was she?? I did not know.. I did not care to know.. And why should I? I had nothing to do with her.. But we used to smile at each other whenever we crossed paths (or rather, she used to smile at my kids and I used to smile at that!) But today.. I stopped.. Took notice of what she was doing.. Where she was going.. Came to know that she was a maid who works for one of my neighbours..
There! I knew just whom to gift a bit of happiness.. Nothing much.. Some fruit.. But when I walked upto her and gave her the fruits.. She asked me why?? I said I just wanted to say Hi!! And she said.. But nobody has done that to me ever!!.....
.....and saying so.. She gifted me exactly what I was looking for.. JOY!!
#Day3, #joyofgiving
I take this opportunity to thank all the lovely teachers out there for their selfless act. No wonder the kids love them as much as they love us, their parents.. Madhavi Joga , Sucharitha Joga , Malvika Naidu we are so proud of you..
And on #Day2 of the #joyofgiving initiative, I went ahead and thanked E's class teacher for being able to manage 25 pre primary kids each day and yet manage to keep the charming smile on her face intact, by the end of the day! A small bouquet of flowers and genuine appreciation for Mrs. Poonam Talwar.. You have given us immense joy Maam!
So here's a fellow mommy and a dear friend at E's school who has been gifted what she was searching for quite sometime now.. A pair of diamond shaped earrings.. Padmaja Mandarapu you have given me tremendous joy today!!Thank you!! #Day1 #joyofgiving
Joy Of Giving
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Happy Mothers Day...,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
In general..

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Woodpecker songgg...
To wake up all the neighborhood
To bring to ev'ry boy and girlie
His happy serenade on wood.
Hear him pickin' out a melody
Peck, peck, peckin' at the same old tree.
He's as happy as a bumble bee
All day long.
To serenade your lady
Just find a tree that's shady
And when you hear that
tick-a-tick-tick, tick-a-tick-tick
Sing right along.
Come on and try his rhythm
And let your hearts beat with 'im
Just listen to that
tick-a-tick-tick, tick-a-tick-tick
Happy little Woodpecker Song.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Very touching..,
Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event.
* Ready! * Steady! * Bang !!!
With the sound of Toy pistol,
All eight girls started running.
Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps,
when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down,
Due to bruises and pain she started crying.
When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back.
Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help.
One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently
And enquired as to how she was..
They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her.
Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked together towards the winning post........ .
There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand.
Officials were shocked.
Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in appreciation.
Many eyes were filled with tears
And perhaps even God's!
YES.!! This happened in Hyderabad [INDIA], recently!
The sport was conducted by
National Institute of Mental Health.
All these special girls had come to participate in this event
They were spastic children.
Yes, they were Mentally Challenged.
What did they teach the WORLD.?
Equality among all.??
Successful people help others who are
slow in learning
So that they are not left far behind.