Yeah.., its one of those days when you are absolutely blank..., No thoughts, no actions, no work..., nothing!!! But then, you realize there are so many other things going on (YEAH!!) Well the fact that it is Saturday today may have something to do with this "Blank" feeling..., or maybe my husband is working on a off has to do something with it..., Hmmm so you wake up at 5.., are done with all the chores, are ready, and are stuffed by 7 in the morning..., with the whole day to go..., Hmmm.., So I watch a few old DVD's ( somehow watching my favorite childhood films always cheers me up ..., but.., nahhh.., it didn't happen this time around)..., but even The Sound Of Music and The Wizard Of Oz couldn't let me drift off the "Blank" feeling..., saw TV for sometime.., but television nowadays has become drab..., I want to strangle all those Bahu's who oodophy their ghoonghats and do nothing but cry..., No wonder the Indian society is male dominated... One tight slap is what they deserve.., for being such jackasses..., so TV is stroked out.... and I haven't bought ant new books of late so...., I didn't want to sleep (not in the afternoon.., NO Way..., All those health conscious people better know that sleeping mid-day makes you fat and YEAH!!! its proven.. so stay away for the afternoon siesta.....)..., so I thought.., and thought and thought about what exactly I was upto..., then I realized.., it has been so awfully long since I played my keyboard :)...and I knew exactly what I would be doing the rest of the day.... :)