This is Raaj...,the love of my life....,I think most of u...,almost all of u know him by now...And im sure all of u approve of him...,Hez an instant hit with my frens and esp. children....Keerthana likes him a lot...,so does Muskaan.And i personally feel..,that the best thing about Raaj is his childish behavior..He tends to make me smile even when im in one of my worst tempers...,
I met Raaj ages ago..,and ever since..,our love has only grown..,He makes me feel special...,Its he who makes me differentiate between the right and the wrong...Hez very concerned about me and that makes me fel even more special.....There is an air of casualness around him which i adore.....He acts tough outside...,but by heart..,hezzzzzz very sensitive...,He tends to take things by heart...,and no wonder.,hez always hurt...,He says Im his best fren.....
He likes Sonali Bendre...and adores Diya......latest ga Ileana.....Hez a movie buff and whenever hez free..,hed rather watch a movie...,He prefers Action movies and comedy flicks...He admires Paresh Rawal's acting skills...(Now who doesn't???).His Favourite movie is The Big Boss...,Hez a gizmo and always keeps updating me on the latest arrivals in the market...And to go with that ..,hez a cyber buff...,he always tries to explain me things which ultimately i dont understand.......His favorite colour is Blue...,Can give his eye and tooth to watch a cricket match....,WORSHIPS....,(literally)..,ya,im not joking....,He worships...,Sachin,Hez not particular abt the food he eats...,though he loves palak paneer a lot....He Is very possessive abt his sister...,Loves his parents...,and hates reading........(now thats where we differ)hehehe...
He is working for Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd...,bangalore...
I love him Loads and loads and loads.....
Anyways...,This was Raaj for u...,
Till next time,
Bye Bye
For Raaj,