Smoking isnt Cool....everybody knows the ill effects of smoking...,but every smoker thinks that cigarrettes are going to harm the other person and not him...and they fall victim to this thought..A recent statistical analysis shows that smoking causes so much of disease...that in terms of human life.,if a person smokes one cigarrette..,he is shortening his life by 11 minutes....so.,assume Mr.X smokes 10 cigarrettes per day...,he is shortening his lifespan by 2 hrs a day and an average of 3 days per month and a month per year...So go ahead and burn your candles at both ends...U'll be hitting the end of the road at breakneck speed...do u want to really do THAT??????
If there is a vice which is really helpful.,it is no-smoking zones in flights.,restaurants.,hospitals and public places....And i hope everyone knows that passive smoking is equally..,if not more..,disastrous as active smoking...Heart attacks.,brain strokes,hypertension.,lung cancer.,chronic bronchitis.,blockages in leg artery etc are the few likely problems of smoking...
So...................the next time u decide to smoke..,take a pen and strike off 11 mins from a calender and then go ahead...This may help u stop smoking and live a longer and healthier life..................
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz QUIT SMOKING...........,
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pay a heed...........,
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lend a ear........,
Plz do...,
So till next time....,
Me Chinnu saying Chow and hoping that i made a difference to atleast 1 life.........
Love u Raaj..