Exams bring with it unhealthy comparisons...Examinations..,according to me...,deadens creativity..and the joy of learning and discovering the world around u.........Its within the child to grow and learn from everything she (YES...she....!!!) sees and absorbs around her..
Each child deserves individual attention...,esp. in languages and arthmetic. If a child doesnt solve a problem in half an hour..,she'll do it in two hours...maybe.. but.., by then..,she has thought..,analysed and found means to get this answer.That's what learning is all about....!!!!!!!!
If comptetion is what ur looking at., then the child should be able to say..."Teacher, this answer is not right.I should be getting 80 instead of 85. I know the answer and can do better the next time." Thats when a hild begins to enjoy her effort.Most people think that clearing an exam is a passport to a good job....,So she crams and crams till there is no creativity left...:(
With exams come comparisons...,unhealthy competition and escapism in children.They find different ways to hide their marks if they've done badly....,resort to cheating...and why do you want to sacrifice UR beautiful present for the future...,which is not in ur hands....Learning should be an exciting adventure for the child..., once that happens..,the child is able to face any exam...The fear of an exam is no longer there...They begin to take it in their stride........:)
Till Next Time..,
Me Pranita Signing Off...,
I love u Raaj...,
Bye Bye