Thursday, December 31, 2009
:) The perfect year end!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
2010 is almost here

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food
that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2009..
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.
11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her
mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply
part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the
lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your
family and friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy..
Thursday, December 03, 2009
A note from Raj about his mother...

Saibaba aarathi
Arti sai baba, soukhya datar jeeva
Charan rajatali, dhyava dasa visawa, bhakta visawa - arti
Jaya mani jaisa bhav, taya taisa anubhav
Davisi dayadhana, aisee tujhee hi mav - arti
Tumche nam dhyata, hare sansrity vyatha
Agaadh tav karni, marga davisi anantha - arti
Kaliyugi avatar, sagun brahma sachar
Avteerna jhalase, swami datta digambar - arti
Atha divasa guruwari, bhakta kariti wari
Prabhupad pahawaya, bhav bhav niwari - arti
Majha nijdravya theva,tav charanraj seva
Magane hechi ata, tumha deva dhideva - arti
Ichhit din chatak, nirmal toy nij sukh
Pajave madhava ya, sambhal apuli bhak - arti
Shirdi majhe pandharpur
Sai baba ramavar.............1
Shudha bhakti chandra bhaga
Bhav pundalik jaga...........2
Yahoyaho avaghe jan
kara baba si vandan..........3
Ganu mhane baba sai
Dhav pav majee Aayei.........4
Ghalin lotangan vandin charan
Dolyaneepahin rup tujhe,
Preme alingin anande pujin
Bhave ovalin mhande nama......1
Tvamev mata cha pita tvamev
Twamev bandhucha sakja twamev
Twamev vidya dravin twamev
Twamev sarva mam dev dev......2
Kayen vacha manasondriyerua
Budhyatmana wa prakrutiswabhawat
Karomi yagdhat sakala parasmai
Narayana yeti samarpayami.....3
Achyutam keshvam ramnarayan
Krishna damodhar vasudev harim
Shri dhar madhav gopikavallabham
Jankinayak ramchandra bhaje...4
Hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare
Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
Ananta tula te kase re stavave
Ananta tula te kase re namave
Ananta mukhancha shine shesh gata
Namaskar sashtang sri sainatha......1
Smarave mani twatpada nitya bhave
Urave tari bhaktisathi swabhave
Tarave jaga taruni mayatata-Namaskar....2
Vase jo sada davaya sant leela
Dise aghya lokapari jo janala
Pari antari dyan kaiwalyadata - Namaskar....3
Bara laghala janma ha manwacha
Nara saarthaka sadhanibhut sacha
Dharoo sai prema galaya ahanta - Namaskar...4
Dharave kari san alpagnya bala
karawe amha dhanya chumboni gala
Mukhi ghal preme khara gras ata - Namaskar..5
Suradik jyanchya pada vanditati
Shukadik jyante samanatva deti
Prayagadi tirthe padi namra hota - Namaskar..6
Tujya jya pada pahata gopabali
Sada rangli chitswarupi milali
Kai raaskrida sarve krishnanatha -Namaskar..7
Tula mangto mangane ek dhave
Kara jodito deen atyant bhave
Bhavi mohaniraj ha tari ata - Namaskar
Sashtang sri sainatha..........8
Aisa yei ba sai digambara
Akshayroop avatara, sarvahi vyapak tu
Shrutisara, anusaya trikumara...Aisa....1
Kashi snan jap, praati divshi
Kolhapur bhikshesi, nirmal nadi tunga
Jal prashi, nidra madhur deshi...Aisa...2
Jholi lombatase, vam kari
Trishul damroo dhari, Bhakta warada sada, sukhkari
Desheel mukti chari...Aisa...3
Payi paduka, jap mala, kamandalu mrugachhala
Dharan karishi ba, nag jata, mugut shobhato
Tatpar tujhya yaji dhyani, akashay tyanche sadani
Laxmi vas kari, dinrajani
Rakshisi sankat varuni...Aisa...5
Ya pari dhyantujhe, gururaya
Drushya kari nayana ya, purana-nand sukhe,
hi kaya, Lavisi harigun gaya...Aisa...6
Sada satwarupa chidananadakanda,
Jagat sambhavastha na sanhar hetum
Swabhakte chhaya manusha darshayantah
Namami shwaram sadguru sai natham
Bhavdwant widhavam samar midyam
Manowagatha munirdhyana gamyam
Jagat dyapakam nirmalam nirgunam twa namami...
Bhawambodhi magnarditana janana
Swapada shritana swabhakti priyanam
Samudharanartham kalow sambhavantam namami...
Sada nimbavirkshasya, muladhiwasat
Sudhasravinam tiktamapi - apriyam tam.
Tarumkalpa vrikshadhikam sadhayantam namami...
Sada kalpavrikshasya tasyadhi mule
bhawad bhav budhya saparyadisewam
Nrinam kurwatam bhukti muktipradam tam namami...
Aneka shrutat arkya lila vilasai
Samavish ta kriteshan bhaswa tat prabhavam
Aham bhav hinam prasannatambhawam namami.....
Satam vishrama ram mevabhiram
Sada sajjanai saanstutham sanamabdhi
Janamodadam bhakt bhadra pradam tam namami....
Ajjanmadyamekam param brahma sakshat swayan
Sambhavam Rammeva vatimam
Bhawat darshanastam punitah prabhoham namami...
Sri sai sha krupanidheakhila
Sarwartha siddhi prada
Yushmat padraj prabhavama tulam
Dhatapi vaktasham sadbhaktya sharanam krutam
Jali puta sampra pito smiprabho
Srimat sai paresh pad kamala
Nanyan chharanyam mama
Salrup dhara raghwottam bhaktakam
Vibudha druman prabhum
Mayayo pahat chitta shudhaye
Chintayamahmaharnisham muda
Sharat Sudha Shupratima Prakashan
Krupatapatram tav sai nath
Twadiya padabji sama shritanam
Swatchhayayaa tapamapa karotu
Upasna daivata sainath
Sta vairamayopasanina stutswam
Ramenmano me tawa padyugmu
Bhringo yathabje makaran dalubdha
Anek janmarjitapap sankshayo
Bhavet bhawat pada saroj darshanat
Kshamaswa sarwana paradh punja kan prasid saish
Guru Dyanidhe
Sri Sainath charnamrit putchitta
Statpad seva nartah statencha bhaktya
Sansar Janyadhuritow dhvinirgataste
Kaivalya dham param samavpnuvanti
Stotrameta pathed bhakatya yo narstan manah sada
Sadguru sainaths krupa patra bhaved dhruvam
Sainath krupa swardu satpadhya kusumvallh
Shrayasech manah shudhye premsutren gumphita
Govind suri putren kashinathbhidhaina
upasanityu pakhyen sri sai gurverpita
Iti sri sainath mahinma stotram sampurmam
Ruso mam priyambika majvari pitahi ruso
Ruso man priangana priasuta atma jahi ruso
Ruso bhagini banduhi shwashur sasubai ruso
Na datta guru saima, Majavari kadhihi ruso.
Puso na sunabal tya, majana bhratrujaya puso
Puso na priya soyare, priya sagena nyati puso
Puso suhrud na sakha, swajan napta bandhu puso
Pari na guru sai ma majawari kadhihi ruso.
Puso na abala mule, tarun vridhahi, na puso
Puso na guru dhakute majana thor sane puso
Puso nacha bhale bure, sujan sabhuhi na puso
Pari na guru sai ma majawari kadihi ruso.
Ruso chatur tatwavit vibudh pradnya gyani ruso
Rusohi vidushi striya, kushal panditahi ruso
Ruso mahipati yati majak tapasihi ruso
Na datta guru sai ma, majawari kadihi ruso.
Ruso kavi rishi muni, anagha sidha yogi ruso
Ruso hi grihadevta ni kula gramdevi ruso
Ruso khal pisha chahi, malin dakinihi ruso
Na datta guru sai ma, majawari kadihi ruso.
Ruso mriga khaga krimi, akhil jeev jantu ruso
Ruso vitap prastara achal apgabdhi ruso
Ruso khpavnagni vaar swani panchatatwe ruso
Na datta guru sai ma majawari kadihi ruso
Ruso vimal kinnara amal yaksinihi ruso
Ruso shashi khagadihi gagani tarakahi ruso
Ruso amarraj hi adya dharmaraja ruso
Na datta guru sai ma majawari kadihi ruso.
Ruso mana saraswati chapal chitta tehi ruso
Ruso vapu dishakhila kathina kala tohi ruso
Ruso sakala vishwahi maye tu branmagola ruso
Na datta guru sai ma majawari kadihi ruso.
Vimoodha mhanoni haso majana matsarahi daso
Padabhi ruchi ulhaso, janan kardami na faso
Na durga dhruticha dhaso, ashiv bhav mage khaso
Prapanchi mana he ruso dridh virakti chitti thaso.
Kunachihi grunha naso, nacha spruha kashachi aso
Sadaiva hrudayi vaso, manasi dhyani si diso
Na datta guru sai ma upari yachnela ruso.
"Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
A testimonial for my husband...

Organised yet so messy, calm yet so talkative, brilliant yet crazy, stubborn yet flexible, stylish yet casual, mischievious yet so caring..., I can go on and write a complete thesis on him.. The best part is that he is a package full of surprises., if hez naughty today, hez sober tomorrow.. If hez kiddish today, hez the divine soul the next day.. He is so lovable that you can't even get angry on him. Even if you want to shout at him.., you end up smiling.. He is very straight., can't camouflage his feelings, or "Actions" ;).., Yes, he has an awful temper.., but one doesn't get to see that side of his personality often..He has a very big heart and he tries to help out everyone who need him. And he trusts everyone blindly.. He is very happy with simple things in life.., His biggest strength is his family. He loves them to bits..,and I think its his main reason of success in life :) As I said, I can go on and on about him. And everyday, I Thank God, for giving me my BEST FRIEND :)P.S: UR the best!!!!!!!!! :)
Sunday, November 08, 2009
A few of my Favvvvvvvvvvvv poems....
I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
The waves beside them danced;
but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action--
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
If You Think You Are Beaten- I read this poem in Shiv Khera's You Can Win.., I do not know who the author is.. but I LOVE THE POEM...
If you think you're beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost for sure, you won't.
If you think you're losing, you've lost.
For out in the world we find -
Success begins with a person's will,
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise.
You have to stay with it,
In order to win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go,
To the one with the better plan.
For more often than not, you will win,
If only you think you can.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Being Compassionate
I arrived at the address where someone had requested a taxi. I honked but no one came out. I honked again, nothing. So I walked to the door and knocked. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.
After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940s movie.
By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no
one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware. 'Would you carry my bag out to the car?'
she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, and then returned to assist the woman.
She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb. She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would
want my mother treated'.'Oh, you're such a good boy', she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address, and then asked, 'Could you drive through downtown?'
'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly. 'Oh, I don't mind,' she said.
'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice'. I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued. 'The doctor says I don't have
very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter. 'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in
front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing. As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired. Let's go now'
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.They must have been expecting her.
I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair. 'How much do I owe you?' she asked, reaching into her purse.
'Nothing,' I said 'You have to make a living,' she answered. 'There are other passengers,' I responded. Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly.
'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said.
'Thank you.'
I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life. I didn't pick up any more passengers that
shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift?
What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?
On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.
We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while
we are here we might as well dance.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Take my breath away..
Watching every motion
In my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Watching I keep waiting
Still anticipating love
Never hesitating
To become the fated ones
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Through the hourglass I saw you
In time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed I called you
And turned to hear you say
If only for today
I am unafraid
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Watching every motion
In this foolish lovers game
Haunted by the notion
Somewhere there's a love in flames
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Pari's Blog entry
Parisheel and Pranita - The Winning Entry

But it wasn't going to happen. I've always admired my sisters stubbornness and straightforwardness but as it happens, those were the very traits that made me despise her for a little while. It was something like this, if my dad bought me a bike, she had to get one too, if I was watching cricket, she had to watch some tear jerking soap on tv at the exact same time(typical), and so on. But being the elder one she got most of the attention, not that I am complaining. And as we grew older there was never the time to talk to each other. I was almost always with my friends, and she was with hers. I never had a problem with her until she had one with me. Every year she did tie a Rakhi but I never quite felt the affection, it was as though she was just going through the motions just for the sake of it. I graduated from some random engineering college in Hyderabad and made my plans to go abroad to pursue a masters degree(oh why did I ever). It was around this time that she began talking normally and the frequency of the quarrels reduced. I remember the day she had tears in her eyes when I boarded the flight.
And now here in this place when I look at my friends talking over the phone to their siblings in India I feel bad. Bad because I have a sister with whom I've never quite spoken to, never quite shared a secret with, never quite brought any gifts for, never quite have to defend against the shuntings of my parents. Maybe I was too stubborn and not she. She was the older one yes, I agree, but I could have broken the ice long back. It is something that I regret. And when I look back now I only see the silly arguments, the pulling of hair and the cold wars instead of the love and affection that should have been. I could never bring myself to talk about all this with her, I am way too shy for all this.She never fails to send Rakhi's for me and my roomies till date. And I feel proud when I wear them and I am waiting to feel proud this year. If there was something I could do to change things I would.
But now she is married and I doubt if any of this would matter to her anymore. I've always wanted a younger sister, a cute little one with whom I could play, buy chocolates for and boss around, but an elder one would do just fine. I miss my sister.--
Parisheel Anand, Winner for 'Raksha Bandhan Story' Contest
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Good one
As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which were supposed to belong to a poor man who was working in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work . . .
Student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick:
We will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them ..."
"My young friend," answered the professor, "We should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor . . . But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of this poor man.
Put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how this affects him." Visit: The student did so and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes . . .
While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance.
He gazed upon the coin, turned it around and looked at it again and again.
He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin . . .
His feelings overcame him . . . He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom this timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing . . .
The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears.
"Now," said the professor, are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"
The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. .. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It's more blessed to give than to receive."
Friday, July 17, 2009
My first meeting with you
I can help but to wonder...
Is there something within
That makes me stand out
From your other friends ?
You have told me then...
I am different
Though I am thankful but
My mind still seeks
What makes me special
For you to keep me,
Here with you...
Something in my mind keeps coming back…
Can’t help but ask
Is there love within your heart?
This is the question I wanna ask…
Within your heart, you told me
“I wanna keep you,
For I want you to be my true friend and lover too”
These words make my heart beat faster
Feeling the love within…
Though I know
It is just a long distance love affair
But still... there is Love within..
Like I could never cause you pain
Love me like you once did
I wish we were the same
Love me like I have your heart
Like it never broke in my hands
Love me without a stop or pause
Fulfill the words you once said
The hole never emptied
The one holding my love for you,
You can still drown me in it
When we talk, I almost wish you knew
I don't want you drowning
Like me, gasping for air
Ignorant, you're better off
This way I guess it's fair
Maybe you can see it
The way I almost breathe when you're near
Maybe you could guess why
My head's pulled under when you disappear
I think you're flying now
Without me weighing you down
I want to see you soar
Without a single frown
I wish it could be done
Wish I was your perfect girl
Your heart is better off elsewhere
I admit this because I care
You're better off with her
She caught you perfectly when you fell
I love that you two are happy
Which is why I will not tell...
I wish I were your perfect girl
The one who made you fly
I wish I were the one for you
Not the one who made you cry
Your happiness is my deepest desire
So I'll do my best not to ask
The thing I desire second most
This simple Request:
Love me like I'm innocent
Like I could never cause you pain
Love me like you once did...
I wish we were the same.
I find myself missing you so often,
in so many ways...
but even though we can't be together right now.
gentle thoughts of you fill my days
and dreams of you fill my nights...
No matter what I'm doing,
I know it would be so much nicer
if I could be sharing it with you...
I keep imagining things you'd say
if you were with me now,
or the way you would laugh
if something funny happened,
and next thing I know,
I'm daydreaming about all the things we'll do
when we're together ...
Although the miles
come between us now,
I still feel so close to you,
and I just keep hoping
For that the day when we
Can be together
because I want you beside me
to talk to,
to hold,
to love.
Love ya.
Share in my life.... My hopes,
Laughter and Tears,
Every smile and any sorrow...
I want you Always...
To be a part of,
Every Today, Every Tomorrow...
I want you Always.... In all my dreams...
A part of every fantasy...
I want you Always To love and live with,
To awaken beside each new day
We will share together...
I want Always... To see your sweet smile,
Hear your laughter,
Listen to the soft sound of you sleeping beside me...
I want to Always.... Give all the happiness
You so rightly deserve....
Bring you every joy within my reach...
I will Always....
Be your best friend, your confidant...
The one who shares in all you do...
Through the good and the bad,
I will stand by you...
I promise to Always. Give you all the love,
That fills my heart....
Give you all the passion,
That fills our nights...
To grant you’re every want,
Every need any wish....
Today, Tomorrow
And Always..
U've got to read this hon..
and this spell can't be broken
I can't forget all our memories
and all the words we've spoken.
Take away my sight
and my sanity too
but please don't ask my heart
to take away you.
There's been so many nights
I've laid awake and cried
wondering why we
aren't side by side.
I've had rough days before
but nothing compares to this
all I can do is cry
and ache for your kiss.
Please don't let another
take my place
don't remove my love
don't forget my face.
I love and adore you
to leave you I'd never
it'll all work out baby
we can't stay apart forever.
I fell so in love with your openess,
and in the echoing of your heart,
I know nothing can ever tear us apart.
So safe in the harbor of your arms, I feel so secure.
It's like nothing I've ever known before.
In the sun lit surrending of your eyes,
all my fear of the unknowing dies
I know this is where I'm meant to be,
me loving you,
and you loving me. . . .
You’re the thought that starts each morning,
Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin .
If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.
Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.
1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim's mouth is crooked , then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe.
After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.
Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.
Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.
My Everything
Your are my everything, my life, my love,
You are more gorgeous than a flying white dove.
My love for you is so very strong,
Just like the melody to the most beautiful song.
Words cannot describe, how much I love you so,
that of which you will probably never know.
In this mixed up world, you're my reason for going on,
Without you here, I may be gone.
There's not much more to say except I love you!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
For the man in my life!! :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy birthday Mom!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
:) true
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Beautiful Day...
About Me.. :)
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5.4"
Profession: Human Resources
Relationship Status: Happily Married
Favorite Car: The Ferrari.., but I love my Car too
Favorite Movie: The Gods must Be Crazy
Favorite Hobby: Dance
Favorite Song/Singer: Top Of the world/ Lata Mangeshkar
Favorite Book/Author: The Magic Faraway Tree/ Ayn Rand
Favorite School Subject: History
Favorite Vacation Destination: Kerala
Favorite Food: Junk!!
Favorite Restaurant: Hi King
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Store: All
Favorite Celebrity : Roger Federer
Favorite Childhood Friend: Rachana
Favorite Childhood Memory: Me driving the car when I was..., I guess 8
Favorite Baby Name: Nitya
Favorite Person In Your Life: Raj
Favorite Facebook Application : All
Coke or Pepsi : Coke
Beer or Wine: none
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Apple Juice or O.J.: Orange
Facebook or MySpace: Facebook
Summer or Winter: Winter
Windows or Mac: Mmm tough one
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Rain or Shine : Rain
Chips or Popcorn: Popcorn
Salty or Sweet: Salty
Plane or Boat: Boat
Morning or Night: Night
Movie or Play: Movie
Walk or Drive: Walk
Money or Love: LOVE
Breakfast or Dinner: Breakfast
Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment: House
Have Any Children: not yet
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Exercise: Sort of
Spend Your Life On Facebook: Sort of ;)
Play On A Sports Team: Not now
Belong To Any Organizations: Yeah
Love Your Job: Hmmmmmm
Like To Cook: Yes
Play An Instrument: Yes
Sing: Yes
Dance: Of Course
Speak Multiple Languages: Yes
Ice Skate: Not tried
Swim: Nah!! :(
Paint: Yes
Write: YES
Ski: Nah
Juggle: Nah
Been Drunk Before Noon: nope
Had Sex In A Public Place: Nope
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yes!!
Got A Speeding Ticket: Nope
Been Arrested: Nope
Littered: Nope
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Nope
Cheated On A Test: Hmmm
Cheated In A Relationship: NOPE
Failed A Class: Nope
Screened Your Phone Calls: Nope
Eaten Food Off The Floor: Nope.., well maybe.., can't remember things of my childhood ;)
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: YES
Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes
Cried During A Movie: YESSS
Had A One Night Stand: Nope
Biggest Fear: Losing Raj
Biggest Mistake: loads
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Many...,
#1 Priority In Your Life: Love/Raj
Dream Job: Yet to find one..
Causes You Believe In: Save the girl Child
Special Talents: Creative Writing/Dance
Where Are You Right Now: Home
Where Would You Rather Be: I'd be here :)
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Hmmmmm how about if I give the entire list of about 2000 people whom I want to meet?? :)
Place To Visit Before You Die: Venice
Song Played At Your Funeral: Ahem ahem.., not yet thought it...
Have you found out who your true friends were: Yeah
Met someone who changed you: YEAH!!!
Kissed anyone on your friends list: Raj yeah ;)
What were you doing at midnight last night: Hopefully not snoring... :)
Name something you CANNOT wait for: THe IPL 3
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope
What are you listening to right now: Kabhi kabhi Aditi...
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: My laziness.., Yeah!!
Last time you saw your father : About half an hour ago!! :)
Most visited webpage: Blogspot
First sport you joined : Tennis
First pet : Dog/ Silky
First vacation : Can't remember
First concert : Can't remember
First crush : Raj.., Yeah...,
I am listening to: Hindi Oldies
Maybe I should: Be a bit more fit
I love: Raj
My best friend(s): Rachu, Su, Srav, Vam, Paddy,
I don't understand: Greek, Latin, French, spanish, German.... ;)
I have lost my respect for: WEll I did lose respect for someone.., But I'd rather not name them here...
The meaning of my display name is: A Warm Welcome
I will always be: Skinny..., I guess so.., I have be like this all along
Love seems to: bring in a lot of joy to life
I never ever want to lose: Raj
I get annoyed when: People promise something.., and then don't live it up..
Do you like parties?: Sort of
Today I: Was sick!!
I wish: For all the happiness in the world for my family and friends..