Organised yet so messy, calm yet so talkative, brilliant yet crazy, stubborn yet flexible, stylish yet casual, mischievious yet so caring..., I can go on and write a complete thesis on him.. The best part is that he is a package full of surprises., if hez naughty today, hez sober tomorrow.. If hez kiddish today, hez the divine soul the next day.. He is so lovable that you can't even get angry on him. Even if you want to shout at him.., you end up smiling.. He is very straight., can't camouflage his feelings, or "Actions" ;).., Yes, he has an awful temper.., but one doesn't get to see that side of his personality often..He has a very big heart and he tries to help out everyone who need him. And he trusts everyone blindly.. He is very happy with simple things in life.., His biggest strength is his family. He loves them to bits..,and I think its his main reason of success in life :) As I said, I can go on and on about him. And everyday, I Thank God, for giving me my BEST FRIEND :)P.S: UR the best!!!!!!!!! :)
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