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Friday, August 17, 2007 personal dedication to the person whom i love the most...,This ones for u Raj.......

Apart from te sense of elation, love also brings with it pain. still, we cant help being bitten by the love bug. why?? Is it better to have loved and lost.., than to have never loved at all????

People in love want what's best for each other. So, where's the risk of getting hurt? If you are in love., ur genuinely concerned about ur partner... it not just another responsibility. u strongly support ur partner through thick and thin while still enjoying each others company. People in love often give credit for good things tht happen in teir lives. Whats important is that falling in love is easy..., its remaining in love which is difficult.

U dont plan to fall in love.... its just happens... its genuine and comes from the heart. when u fall in love., u rise above everything. As love grows.., it transforms u., fro., it lends u a positive attitude and instils in u., a deep sense of commitment. It's a powerful and intense emotion which makes U focussed., where old attitudes and habits fade away making way for new ones.

U do feel hurt and depressed because love can make u lose ur sense of logic and perspective. but., falling in love brings that special glorious feeling - the beautiful music tht only the two of us hear..,the invisible thread that binds u together... no matter how far apart u are. Love gives u wings to fly and lifts u higher., makes u strong and ur world more meaningful. Keeping love alive involves a lot of hardwork., nurturing., sacrifice., understanding and never taking each other for granted. It means not just finding the perfect person.., but learning to love an imperfect person with all the spots.., faults and blemishes.

thinking abt it..., love rarely hurts.., it the hurt that hurts!! And tht happens when u have expectations... Believe in love and life after love. Sure., love can hurt.., but why deny urself the most magical., memorable moments in life just out of the fear of getteing hurt????

Sure.., it is better to have loved and lost .., than to have never loved at all....
coz.., love...., i'd say.., is the very foundation of life....,


Nee chinnu....