Yeah.., the positive attitude..., so very important in everybody's lives.., I so fondly remember the tale of David and the Goliath.., for those of you who don't know.., let me give a small write up..,
So there was this giant who always bullied and harrased the children in the village. One day, a young shepard boy came to visit his brothers in the village. He saw the situation out there and asked his brothers, "Why don't you stand up and fight the giant?" The brothers were terrified and replied, " Don't you see he is too big to hit?" But David said, " no..., he is not too big to hit..., He is too big to MISS." The rest is history. David killed the giant with his sling-shot..., Same giant. Different percepton.
That is what positive attitude can do to us..., :) So always be positive..., and remember.., IT IS THE PERCEPTION WHICH ULTIMATELY MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!
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