Tennis...., I Love the sport... It keeps me real fresh and energetic.., My health doesn't permit nowadays..., but any given chance and Im on it.. :)

Travelling..., Now this is something which I wouldn't mind taking up for a living also.... :) I love to travel.., to see different places.., the culture, the heritage., the food.., the language..., Yeah its all soo intriguing to me....I've never been abroad till now.., but one day.., Im sure to travel the World..... :) :) :) :)
I'd loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee to sleep....., hours and hours..., I hate it when Im woken.., esp on a holiday.....

Im a very very bad singer..., But I'd loveeeeeee to sing.., from jingles, to carols, to movie songs..., anything....

Photography......, its my passion..., i always carry my camera..., everywhere..., I take loads and loads of snaps...

Painting.., yeaah Im not very good at it..., but I did paint some interesting things.., Im a lot creative so painting came as a natural hobby to me....Also because.., I love colors.......

Music..................., I have about 20,000 songs in my system..., That says it all....nai?

Movies..., Hmmmmm.., well you can't exactly say its a hobby..., but considering that my husband is a huge movie buff.., I can take this as a hobby coz in our free time.., we generally end up at the movies....

Boating... Yeah thats sooo romantic...,

I loveeeeee to dance..., I dance Kutchipudi.., I've learnt Hip-hop, Jazz and Western. I'm learning Salsa.., and Im awesome with the dandiya.., I end up choreographing many of the events..., I simply Love this form of art!!!!!

I like to capture all he special moments in my life.., They are sooooo very precious...,

Basketball......, its the best exercise which I can ever do..., Yeah..., I love the sport!!!!
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