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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Its past mid noon.., and I'm in the office literally getting fried... Phew I hate the summers these days... :(..., I remember loving the summers once upon a time.., The vacations, the mangoes, the cricket, the clay modelling..., I sooo miss them.., I go beserk even at the thought of going outdoors mid afternoon.., Even the thought is alarming..:( Whatever happened to the lovely spring days when Yes.., it was sunny and hot.., but it wasn't this MIND-BLOWINGLY hot!!! I gt scared to step out in the sun.., Imagine all the kids with their vacations..,God knows how they are coping with the heat.... Poor things... I kinda loved my childhood vacations..., I used to look forward to them months in advance.., The mangoes, the vacations, the co=curricular activities, the summer trips, friends, cousins, aam-pannas, mango achars, Wow!!!! I do miss those days...I am really scared.., things weren't this worse about a decade ago.., I shudder to imagine what would the world be in another decade..., GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!! Guys lets do something about this..., Its eating into the World..., Slowly.., But surely!!!!!!!!! :(

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